11 settembre


Una natura ritornata selvaggia, dopo una qualche catastrofe. Un adolescente vive in un pollaio, mangia carne cruda e pane secco, cerca di placare la fame e custodisce il ricordo degli affetti di un tempo. Un ragazzo ancora più giovane si aggira per i boschi in cerca di qualcosa di cui cibarsi, un animale famelico che si apposta sornione tra gli alberi in cerca di prede. Un giorno, il vagabondo arriva al pollaio e le due solitudini si scontrano. Cosa vincerà, il lato umano o quello animale?

The nature has returned wild after some catastrophe. A teenager lives in a chicken coop, eats raw meat and dry bread. He tries to appease hunger and keeps the memory of the affections of the past. A younger boy wanders the woods in search of something to feed on, a ravenous animal who lurks in the bush in search of preys. One day, the vagabond arrives at the chicken coop, and the two solitudes collide. What will win, the human or the animal side?


A woman faces an ultimatum from her husband, rooted in his desperate drive to protect them from impending environmental catastrophe.

The Winding Farmland

In an estate located in Quebec, Carl and Alexandra are attempting to take on the life of their forefathers, but cannot escape the reality of the modern world. The belief that their values will be transmitted kindles their hope and makes them fight on.


99.9%, a dark comedy that deals with the problem of waste and its sensitization in a thriller key.
ANDREA (Achille Marciano) is a man who has made his life his obsession.
Respect for the environment and recycling of waste are his daily mission, responsibility that has driven him away from reality and pushed himself to lock himself up until the arrival of the new neighbor, PASQUALE (Amedo Andreozzi), southern, with a sensitivity to the problem of waste completely non-existent, which, unknowingly, will put Andrea in front of a society careless towards nature.
This will lead the protagonist to a macabre decline, where the unfortunate neighbor will pay the consequences.

Terms and Conditions

Fritz detests change. Despite challenges posed by price dumping, droughts and digitalization, he keeps running his small farm as he always has. Unless Fritz, his daughter Amelie doesn’t want to accept the status quo and tries to improve the financial situation of the farm. In search of a second source of income, she begins selling stock footage video clips of everyday farming life. Even though her dad, brother and sister-in-law are not exactly fond of cameras, production starts smoothly. But just when things are looking up, the family comes to realize: no matter where, if online or offline, it’s invariably business according to someone else’s terms and conditions.

Wasteland (Terramorta)

ITA: Sicilia 2020. Agglomerato industriale di Termini Imerese. 50km a est di Palermo. Nel 2011, nel cuore dell’area industriale e dopo quarant’anni di attività, chiude lo stabilimento FIAT per la produzione di autoveicoli. Nel raggio di 5km sorge il sito archeologico di Himera, antica colonia greca, dove si ritiene essere presente la più grande necropoli di tutta la Sicilia e tra le più estese d’Europa, con oltre 13.000 sepolture ritrovate. Una terra in cui crisi economica e disastro ambientale sono intrecciati ormai da molto tempo. ENG Sicily 2020. Industrial area of Termini Imerese. 50 kilometres east of Palermo. In 2011, in the heart of the industrial area and after forty years of activity, the Fiat automobile plant shuts down. 5 km apart lies the archeological site of Himera, ancient Greek colony, which hosts what is believed to be the largest necropolis in all of Sicily and among the largest in Europe, with over 13.000 burials found. A land where economic crisis and environmental disaster have been growing up, entwined, for a long time.


In 1845, Henry David Thoreau, the philosopher and naturalist built a cabin in the woods at Walden Pond in Concord Massachusetts. On his final day at Walden, he reads an excerpt from his notebook and is reminded of his transcendental journey within nature…

Acquabella – The Dying Farm

ITA: Alle porte di Milano sorge Cascina Acquabella, un angolo di paradiso che sembra destinato a scomparire in breve tempo. L’ultima amministratrice racconta come la proprietà agricola sia stata accerchiata da centri commerciali e arterie stradali. Nelle parole della protagonista, Elena Galbiati, rivivono le vicende della sua famiglia, l’epopea dei braccianti del Sud Italia, la tradizione solidale lombarda. E l’amicizia con il cantante Al Bano Carrisi, che in questo luogo faceva le prove prima di raggiungere il successo. Oggi i terreni appartengono a un protagonista della cultura in Russia. E la cascina, che era riuscita a sopravvivere allo sviluppo industriale di una grande città, dovrà quasi sicuramente soccombere alle logiche della globalizzazione. ENG: At the gates of Milan stands Cascina Acquabella, a corner of paradise that will disappear in the coming months. The last descendant of the family who managed the property tells how agricultural land is surrounded by shopping centers and road arteries. In the words of the protagonist, Elena Galbiati, the events of her family relive, the epic of the Italian laborers, the Lombard solidarity tradition. And the friendship with the singer Al Bano Carrisi, who rehearsed in this place before reaching success. But if the farmhouse has managed to coexist with a cumbersome neighbor, the Innocenti factories, for a long time the main Milanese industrial complex, can do nothing against the unstoppable and elusive logics of globalization. Soon instead of the imposing poplars of Cascina Acquabella, streets, palaces and the second shopping center in Europe will rise.

Thin Ice

Followed by his faithful cameraman, a shady reporter takes off on a journey to document a presumed exctinct species.

Sad Beauty

In a heavily polluted world, a young woman mourns the disappearance of animal species. When she falls ill due to a bacterial infection, nature appears to send her a message in her hallucinations.