
Season Of Mine

An old man returns to his native village during harvest season in an effort to remember and reflect on his childhood. The place has changed with time.

The Winding Farmland

In an estate located in Quebec, Carl and Alexandra are attempting to take on the life of their forefathers, but cannot escape the reality of the modern world. The belief that their values will be transmitted kindles their hope and makes them fight on.

Through the Lens

“Through the Lens” means through the microscope lens, but also through the lentil, Lens culinaris. The double meaning becomes the dual intention of telling a millenary tradition preserved in the hands and memory of elderly peasants on the small volcanic islands gravitating around Sicily. Aeolian Islands, Ustica, Pantelleria, Linosa, although distant overseas, join in the same way around the “threshing floor” at the time of the “spagghiata”, each with its specificity matured over time.
Through the mosaic of “talking heads” of the islanders over the age of seventy, the artisanal production cycle of lentil is reconstructed, characterized by seasonal appointments, meteorological unexpected events, animal interventions, inter-family collaborations. A long and exhausting process that clashes with modern commercial rhythms and in contrast with the advanced age of the last connoisseurs of the trade. The wealth of gestures and biodiversity remains in the hands of the new generation, risking to let this treasure be forgotten.

Terms and Conditions

Fritz detests change. Despite challenges posed by price dumping, droughts and digitalization, he keeps running his small farm as he always has. Unless Fritz, his daughter Amelie doesn’t want to accept the status quo and tries to improve the financial situation of the farm. In search of a second source of income, she begins selling stock footage video clips of everyday farming life. Even though her dad, brother and sister-in-law are not exactly fond of cameras, production starts smoothly. But just when things are looking up, the family comes to realize: no matter where, if online or offline, it’s invariably business according to someone else’s terms and conditions.

Wasteland (Terramorta)

ITA: Sicilia 2020. Agglomerato industriale di Termini Imerese. 50km a est di Palermo. Nel 2011, nel cuore dell’area industriale e dopo quarant’anni di attività, chiude lo stabilimento FIAT per la produzione di autoveicoli. Nel raggio di 5km sorge il sito archeologico di Himera, antica colonia greca, dove si ritiene essere presente la più grande necropoli di tutta la Sicilia e tra le più estese d’Europa, con oltre 13.000 sepolture ritrovate. Una terra in cui crisi economica e disastro ambientale sono intrecciati ormai da molto tempo. ENG Sicily 2020. Industrial area of Termini Imerese. 50 kilometres east of Palermo. In 2011, in the heart of the industrial area and after forty years of activity, the Fiat automobile plant shuts down. 5 km apart lies the archeological site of Himera, ancient Greek colony, which hosts what is believed to be the largest necropolis in all of Sicily and among the largest in Europe, with over 13.000 burials found. A land where economic crisis and environmental disaster have been growing up, entwined, for a long time.

Inspiration in Nature

Dee Bailey creates 2D paintings of nature using modelling clay as her medium. When she was the artist in residence in Tombstone Territorial Park, she gained a deeper understanding of why she makes art about nature.

The Secrets of Wild Honey

Guided by the wild bees we join a group of russian old-believers. They say if you go deeper inside russian taiga-forest, there is a way into a parallel universe!
In this journey we try to find out why Altai region has such a mysterious background. Maybe the bees know the answer?

A Thousand Trees Project

“Piantare un albero è dare vita”. Lo scorso settembre l’associazione genovese “A Thousand Trees Project” ha concluso tra gli applausi la missione iniziata circa un anno fa: piantare mille alberi sul monte Moro. Un’avventura che ha visto protagonisti solamente volontari, genovesi con l’obiettivo di aiutare una zona che negli ultimi anni è stata colpita e disboscata dagli incendi.

Alberi Cittadini (City Trees)

“Alberi Cittadini” è un breve documentario che affronta il tema della riqualificazione urbana. Attraverso la sua opera, lo scultore Andrea Gandini, regala una nuova vita agli alberi tagliati e abbandonati sui marciapiedi della città di Roma.
City Trees is a short documentary about urban regeneration. through his art, the sculptor Andrea Gandini, gives a new life to those trees which are chopped and abandoned in Roma’s sidewalks.”